Thursday, November 27, 2008

Self Evaluation For Term One

This is how you do a self eval. Think about what we have done in the entire term, not just the last few days. Be Honest. Choose the descriptor that best sounds like you, eliminate all of the others. Answer the Knowledge, skills and attitudes questions. Convert it all to a percentage. Report this to the teacher.


Z. I have no unexcused absences and I am never late for class. I BRING ALL THE MATERIALS I NEED, I am prepared.


Z. I come to class well prepared and actively work for the whole period. I give 90-100% effort.


U. I am a good worker most of the time, but sometimes I could try harder.


U. I have learned or improved a couple of skills this term.


Z. I am very good at critical thinking and problem solving and produce many innovative solutions to problems.


Z. I communicate my ideas extremely well using innovative ideas. I always use English in the classroom.

7. Go

U. I have done most of the work, and use some of the habits.


Z. I work extremely well on individual tasks, needing little guidance to produce high quality work.


Z. I stay on task at all times, hand in all work on time and don't fool around. "Good enough" is not in my vocabulary.

10. Website

U. My website is up to date and well organized.


Give examples of the knowledge you have gained throughout this year. Knowledge is information you can comprehend.

-I learned how to make and update blogs, how to maintain calm and control(logic) behaviour and the ability to deal with large problems. I learned how to draw in two perspective, oblique, ect. and am able to produce creative thoughtful innovative drawings.

Give examples of the new skills you have developed in this year. Skills are the things that you can do, that you could not do before.

-I learned to draw in different perspectives, look in different perspectives and create blogs with acessories.

Describe your attitude towards learning this year. Attitude is the way you feel and think towards something or someone.
I always do my best, to the best of my limits to the best of my time, mostly.

Calculating percentage, please tally up a score based on the choices you made on page one.

For each K score yourself 0

For each W score yourself 3

For each G score yourself 5

For each U score yourself 7

For each Z score yourself 9

My Score: 82/90= 91/100

Add up your score. Please provide a total out of 100, if you feel that you have done better than the description provided, please provide the pertinent evidence.

My Score

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Wow. Term one ended so fast. I’m, like, still back in grade 7. I visited my old school yesterday, and worked on my basketball shots and post ups. Today, I took the morning as my family time, going grocery shopping with my parents and sister, noon as homework, and mid afternoon as basketball fun, improving a relationship with a long lost elementary schooled friend. I didn’t work on improvement today, though. However, I still have some school work to work on today night. Gotta finish all possible work, this week’s a basketball practice dominated week. I probably won’t have any time to do any homework.
Well, this is it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Gosh, nice day. I did ok at violin class and watched Nanny Mcphee with my sister.
It was all cool. However, i have a English test, AS notes and a current Events to worry about.
I'm going to worry about them after 5. I'm off to play some ball!
Signing off.

Friday, November 21, 2008


My parents are really strict about my computer use. But it's not like i play video games or anything. I just type my blogs and go program. But when my parents found out i was at the school library working, they got pised at me and i wasn't allowed to type my blog yesterday. Anyways, I had basketball practise yesterday after school and it was the usual. But i felt so free! No homework except AS over the weekend! It was all tests yesterday. Today i just lazed around putting together creations of lego and eating mostly.

Well, i'm done.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I’m failing English. Literally. Everything I do, except two or three tests and one or two homework assignments, I’ve been receiving perfect Bs… I tried everything I could! Rewriting assignments over and over again, checking for grammar, being alert for any spelling mistakes, correcting to all of my abilities. But they’re never enough. I just upset because so far, I’m at a 84.6%, but just today, I got an assignment back that scored a terrifying 76%! What should I do? I mean, I’ve already pored over grammar textbooks over the past month ever since I found I was failing English, but no matter what, Ms. Greskiw still hammers at me.
I’m dead meat.

Plus there is so much homework due on Thursday and on: English vocab, AS outline, Socials Project, Science Cheatsheet, Science Test, Socials Workbook, Premiergo program, English test on the 28th, current events on the 24th, science fair project…

Well, I’m a goner.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hello again.
Wow, what a funny day. I had basketball practice first thing in the morning. God, how it was hard for me to get up this morning. Don’t you find that annoying? Just because you slept in on Sunday, you can’t get up a few hours earlier on the next.
Any ways, I missed a bit of math because of that nuisance of a fire drill this morning and got a chance to cool off before getting to class. Then I had gym.
Holy crap, the substitute was horrifying. Since we’re doing basketball, we did basketball. But the coach, my oh, my, was turning the game to such a boring moronic…

Darn got to go. The library is closing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Oh my god, I had a simply marvelous day. Working hard to finish all homework during the early hours of morn, I managed to spend the afternoon relaxing and shooting some hoops. That brings up yesterday. I was shooting hoops at 4:30 to 6, and it was as dark as 10 to 11 in the summer. I never noticed how daytime changes so dramatically throughout seasons. It’s so amazing and I’m so unobservant. I’m like all wow now.
You know what’s so cool about autumn, though? You don’t sweat as much cuz it’s so cold. I don’t drown in salt water, is what I mean.
Can’t wait till basketball practice tomorrow, I’ve gotten so much better today.
>_< shut eye time